viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Night route, Bolonia - Camarinal Lighthouse

I have been waiting to do this route for a long time but the oportunity never appeared but the other day while I was wandering along Tarifa I saw an advertisement on a window shop. A new outdoor activities agency called MundoPosibilidades proposed this treking. I looked at my wife, she looked at me and told me, "Ok, we'll do it".

The first thing that I did when I arrived at home was to surf on the internet and look at when it would be the next full moon. Next 25th May the moon would be lighting our steps up, so that I phoned to Javier and booked two places. Javier is who has created this outdoor activities agency.

The previous day to the route I met my sister and she asked me about the activity because her husband was really into that route. I told her that if they wanted to come, they just had to book it. No sooner said that done, my sister booked it so that we would do the night route.

The trek started in the parking of the beach bar "Los Troncos". We were twenty six people. Everybody shaped a circle and introduced each other. This was Javier's idea. By this way, the vibe got comfortable. Before starting to walk we took the customary photo.  

After this, we drove to Baelo Claudia ruins. In front of it, Javier gave us a brief explination about the romans and their lifestyle in Bolonia. A few minutes later we returned to the way.

Our first steps were on a wooden footbridge. In the picture aboce, it can be appreciate how the dark was surrounding us.

Soon, we left behind the wooden footbridge and arrived at the "Laja Rachiles". Ancient legends told that in this stone, virgin females were sacrificed to honour gods. So that, we quickly took a few pictures and just in case we abandoned the altar.

Our next stop was the viewpoint of Camarinal Lighthouse. And as the saying tells"A picture is worth a thousand words".

After a while, we could glimpse the light of Camarinal lighthouse over the silver sea, soon we would reach  the end of the path.

The relax time had come and of course the time of eating something. We took our foods from our backpacks and devoured it.

My sister, my wife and I after eating.

We thought that it was impossible to find better landscapes for that night but a stunning view had been hiding by Javier as end. 

The view of the Bolonia Bay from the top of the dune. We were thrilled.

Personally, I recommend this agency to everybody and give thank to Javier by this time.

At the end of the route I switched off the GPS to hide the way to find the best viewpoint from the top of the dune.

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